Newborn Lifestyle Session

Newborn Lifestyle Session | St. Louis, MO

Kids say the silliest things! Kelly and Dave told me the cutest story during their newborn lifestyle session for their second kiddo. They have a precious photo of their oldest, Colin, from his newborn session. Dave is cradling him, and you can see the top of his head, but not his face. Kelly and Dave were telling Colin about the photo, and that it was a picture of him when he was a newborn. Colin had the cutest response ever: “Before I had eyes?!” 

Colin is the sweetest big brother to baby sister Kylie! As soon as I met Kylie I could tell how loved she is by all of her family. And Kylie is a perfect little babe! She was awake and alert for part of our session, but also perfectly sleepy and peaceful for other parts. We got so many sweet moments of Kylie with each of her parents, with her brother, and the entire family together. And I seriously can’t get over the photos of Colin giving Kylie gentle forehead kisses, and looking at her like only a big brother can! (Cue the sappy tears.)

Kelly and Dave-thank you for letting me capture your first photos as a family of 4! I hope when you look back at these images in the years to come, you remember all of the joy an excitement you felt when your baby girl entered the world. I hope Kylie and Colin are able to use these images to feel the love they experienced in a time before they were able to remember each other. Kylie is going to grow up to be a beautiful little girl, and she will bring so much joy into each of your lives! Scroll to see some of my favorites from this adorable newborn lifestyle session!

Newborn Lifestyle Session
St. Louis Newborn Photographer
St. Louis Newborn Photographer
Newborn Lifestyle Session
St. Louis Newborn Photographer
St. Louis Newborn Photographer
Newborn Lifestyle Session

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