Christmas card photos St. Louis, MO

Christmas Card Photos in St. Louis, MO

I had the opportunity to meet up at Forest Park with one of the sweetest couples, and take their Christmas card photos this year! Lyndsey and Lyle brought an adorable Christmas wreath, and their Christmas card picture is going to be absolutely adorable! We caught the tail end of fall colors at Forest Park. There was beautiful golden light streaming through the leaves remaining on the trees. And what trip to Forest Park is complete without a stop at the Grand Basin?

This fall photography season has flown by. As it comes to a close, I have found myself reflecting on all of the sessions that I have completed, and all of the awesome people that I have had the chance to meet and work with. Something always stands out in each session, and with this session. With Lyndsey and Lyle, the thing that stands out the most to me is how much fun it looks like they were having. Lyndsey and Lyle were so sweet together, and their love and joy are evident in every photo. 

Lindsey and Lyle, thank you so much for spending an evening with me in Forest Park to capture your Christmas card photos. I absolutely loved getting to know you both, and I think we captured some really memorable shots! It will be Christmas time before we all know it, and I hope your cards this year turn out exactly how you were hoping! 

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Brenna is a natural light photographer based out of the greater St. Louis, Missouri area. She specializes in seniors, families, and couples. Her favorite things to do are spend time with family, go on walks outdoors, and read a good book! Get to know more about Brenna here.