girl gang photos, Brenna Jean Photgraphy

Saint Louis Missouri Spokesmodel Shoot Class of 2022

I am so excited to finally share this Saint Louis themed session-it has been a long time coming! This is a session I have been wanting to do for a while, and this group of ladies blew me away during the shoot. The images turned out even better than I hoped they would! 

I have loved every single session with my senior spokesmodel team for the Class of 2022 (I think I say that every time we get together!) But I could truly go on and on all day about how sweet these girls are, how well they work together, and how much joy they bring to the photos. It is so easy to get them to smile and look truly joyful because that is their nature! 

This session was a little out of my normal comfort zone-in St. Charles I typically end up in fields and nature parks. But that is part of what made it so special and fun! For seniors from the Saint Louis area I think it is really cute to have photos that show where you are from, and it is always fun to spend some time on a parking garage rooftop!

Although this wasn’t a white Christmas (it was a pretty dang hot Christmas!) I was planning for winter weather so we had to incorporate some “snow”. It fuels my creative heart when these girls dive head first into my out of the box ideas, and I think they had quite a bit of fun doing it! 

Brenna, Gracie, and Bailey, thank you for always being up for anything, and looking gorgeous every step of the way! I hope you all had as much fun at this shoot as I did! Scroll to see what I have been talking about!

St. Louis senior photographer
Saint Charles senior photographer
Missouri senior photographer
Senior spokesmodels Brenna Jean Photography
st. Charles senior photographer
Downtown senior photos
St. louis arch senior photos
senior spokesmodels class of 2022
graffiti wall senior spokesmodels class of 2022

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