summer family photos St. Louis mo

Summer Family Session in St. Charles MO

I met Lyndsey and her family in early June for a summer family session! Lyndsey won my Spring giveaway back in April, and I was so excited to meet her family and take these beautiful photos! Lyndsey has such a sweet, fun family! We jumped right into it when we arrived at our location, and despite the heat we managed to take some of my favorite summer family photos! 

Summer can be a slower time for photography in Missouri due to the heat, but if you are willing to sweat a little bit it can also be so beautiful! I love the long grasses and the warm glow you can get in a lot of summer photos, and that is exactly what we got with this summer family session! 

Lyndsey and family, thank you for all of the fun we had together at your session! You family was such a joy to work with and I think we got some really great shots! It is always a good time when Thank you to everyone who entered my spring giveaway-I can’t wait to do another one soon!

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