Summer Maternity Session in St. Charles

As soon as Lauren and Ben told me they were expecting, I began planning their maternity session in my head! I could see Lauren, with her perfect little bump, looking gorgeous. Ben by her side, with that adoring look he gives the wife he loves so much. I already know these two are going to be wonderful parents. The way they love each other in addition to all of their friends and family, their little girl is going to feel more love than she will know what to do with! 

I have known Ben and Lauren in many stages of life. Single, dating, engaged, newlyweds, and now parents to be. It has been so sweet to have such good friends, and see them grow through their life. And now I get to see their little girl grow up; just thinking about it makes me so excited! I think I am most excited to see the love in their eyes when they look at their new little baby. 

Lauren and Ben, thank you for sharing this season of life with me and my camera. I had so much fun with the both of you at your maternity session, and it is easy to see how excited you are for this new adventure. Lauren, you are the most beautiful mama and you and Ben are going to be wonderful parents! I hope you can always look back at these images and remember the anticipation, the nerves, but mostly the. joy and excitement to welcome your little girl. Someday, your little girl will get to see these photos, and she will know she has always, and will forever be so loved! 

St. Charles Maternity Photographer
St. Charles family photographer
St. Louis Maternity Photographer
St. Charles maternity photographer
St. Louis maternity photographer
St. Louis family photographer

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